The React Roadmap – How to Learn React
The React Roadmap – How to Learn React
1. Basics
- Learn the basics of HTML
- Make a few pages as an exercise
2. CSS
- Learn the basics of CSS
- Style pages from previous step
- Build a page with grid and flexbox
3. JS Basics
- Get familiar with the syntax
- Learn basic operations on DOM
- Learn mechanisms typical for JS (Hoisting, Event Bubbling, Prototyping)
- Make some AJAX (XHR) calls
- Learn new features (ECMA Script 6+)
- Additionally, get familiar with the jQuery library
2. General Development Skills
1. Learn GIT, create a few repositories on GitHub, share your code with other people
2. Know HTTP(S) protocol, request methods (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS)
3. Don't be afraid of using Google, [Power Searching with Google](
4. Get familiar with terminal, configure your shell (bash, zsh, fish)
5. Read a few books about algorithms and data structures
6. Read a few books about design patterns
3. Learn React on [official website]( or complete some [courses](
4. Get familiar with tools that you will be using
1. Package Managers
- [npm](
- [yarn](
- [pnpm](
2. Task Runners
- [npm scripts](
- [gulp](
- [Webpack](
- [Rollup](
- [Parcel](
5. Styling
1. CSS Preprocessor
- [Sass/CSS](
- [PostCSS](
- [Less](
- [Stylus](
2. CSS Frameworks
- [Bootstrap](
- [Materialize](
- [Material UI](
- [Material Design Lite](
- [Bulma](
- [Semantic UI](
3. CSS Architecture
- [BEM](
- [CSS Modules](
- [Atomic](
- [OOCSS](
4. CSS in JS
- [Styled Components](
- [Radium](
- [Emotion](
- [JSS](
- [Aphrodite](
6. State Management
1. [Component State]([Context API](
2. [Redux](
1. Async actions (Side Effects)
- [Redux Thunk](
- [Redux Better Promise](
- [Redux Saga](
- [Redux Observable](
2. Helpers
- [Rematch](
- [Reselect](
3. Data persistence
- [Redux Persist](
- [Redux Phoenix](
4. [Redux Form](
3. [MobX](
7. Type Checkers
- [PropTypes](
- [TypeScript](
- [Flow](
8. Form Helpers
- [Redux Form](
- [Formik](
- [Formsy](
- [Final Form](
9. Routing
- [React-Router](
- [Router5](
- [Redux-First Router](
- [Reach Router](
10. API Clients
2. GraphQL
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